It all started with some string, a knot, and a video. A small innovation and a creative concept would change an entire industry.SlicFrac, a division of Thru Tubing Solutions, came to us in 2017 with a radical new product that was going to disrupt the oil and gas market.
More than anything, they needed Well Owners and Engineers to have a basic understanding of SlicFrac before meeting with them. Awareness. But how do you build awareness over something no one understands yet?
With whiteboard video.
Jenna Robertson was spending 70 hours a month traveling to make in-person presentations. She was running ragged. She needed a way to qualify and educate ahead of time. Her meetings were so technical, and her audience didn’t understand the bigger impact SlicFrac could have. Doubling the output of each well can mean DOUBLING profit! But people didn’t get it. Fracking is a complicated process and it’s been done the same way for many years. Adding a new form of “complete diversion” was a foreign concept.
That’s where we came in.
We went on site to Oklahoma City to meet the marketing team and get educated on the physics behind how oil and gas companies create “fractures” in rock to extract precious natural gas.SlicFrac was an ingenious and simple invention. It provided a complete diversion that allowed well builders to access 100% of the perforations, not just 50% like they were used to.
With a powerful visual story as seen in the video below, we created the first of 3 innovative whiteboard videos to show at conferences and events.
In one month we did more work than our entire first year of business. It’s pretty exciting. We’ve exceeded our goal for this year. Our goal for [2019] is to again double in size.
–Jenna Robertson, SlicFrac Line Product Manager
But that was only half the project. The real value of the project came in the implementation. We set up distinct social media campaigns on Facebook and LinkedIn to target the exact market. The level of engagement we reached was possible because we simplified our video captions with direct, targeting language: how much could you save by removing bridge plugs?
What the whiteboard does for us is it intrigues them to ask that next question.
–Cliff McKaughan, Sales Manager, SlicFrac
The final campaign for the 3rd and last video garnered a 49% view rate on LinkedIn. That means almost half the people who were shown the ad watched it for over 11 seconds. People are watching! Compared to the view rates on Facebook (2-3%) and LinkedIn (3-4%) for well-performing videos, that’s 173% higher than average!
People know what this is now. It’s a term we know! We’ve done our job. People present papers now comparing pods!
–Lani Stone, Marketing, SlicFrac
To this day we remain proudly on the main page or SlicFrac’s website. As a visual aid and something more playful and easy to digest, whiteboard works!