We began our first project with SAP in 2015 – “SAP HANA” – a client success story with Romana Riedneger. From there the videos bloomed in success and we were referred to multiple parts of the business. In 2016 we created a series of 5 success stories for a UK audience. By 2019 we had 3 approved success stories!
SAP’s Internet of Things (IOT) solutions have a lot of applications and many different audiences. Mindy Davis, Senior Director of IOT and Digital Supply Chain Marketing for SAP based out of Orange County wanted to show how the IOT applied in the world with a series of videos.
The video was featured on their website, posted on Twitter and YouTube, and even used in an email campaign. What came back was amazing.

At four minutes and 16 seconds in length, SAP: The Network of Digital Twins had a 45% completion rate on the video page. Normal video lengths are one minute for SAP, and a normal completion rate is only 10% .
That’s a 350% boost in completion on a piece that is 4x longer! A HUGE win.

Completion rate is astounding. This is really engaging content, I mean really engageing content.
People are clicking [from Twitter], clicking the video, then watching it all the way through.
–Lyndsey Spurgin, Marketing Audience Director of SAP

Of 56 videos posted in the last year for industries, the top 2 most popular pieces of content were whiteboard videos we made with you.
–Al Watkins from SAP Leonardo
Across our many engagements with SAP, we see consistently higher click-through rates, higher completion rates and higher usage by sales reps. That’s why they keep coming back!
While the ever-changing market means messaging needs to change often, our team has been able to react, adapt, and update past work to keep videos fresh and relevant.
Our average increase in click-through rate for clients is currently 235%.
If we can increase your average completion rate on content by 350%,
what would that mean for your business?
Mindy Davis – Senior Director, IoT and Digital Supply Chain Solution Marketing, SAP SE, Orange County, California Area
Lyndsey Spurgin – Marketing Audience Director focusing on strategy, campaigns and marketing communications, UK
Al (Alan) Watkins – Director, SAP Industries Marketing, born in the UK, based in France.
Michelle Hickey – Sr. Director, Product Marketing, Business Technology Platform, SAP, San Francisco, CA
Total number of projects completed to date: 28
Total number of videos: 44
Total minutes produced: 75
Percent increase in completion for IOT: 350%
Years in partnership: 6