Joy had a totally new product for insurance companies called RPM (Revenue Program Management) that would allow them to gather much-needed data from Doctor’s offices. She was the Director of Risk Adjustment for Availity, looking at a case of textbook market creation.
She needed a simple way to show how this program actually worked.
But no one in the space knew that this level of data translation was even possible. So Whiteboard Geeks came in to tell the story of Dr. Jon and how his patient information could be accessed and read in an easier way.
The Result: people got it. The character story helped explain the value to doctors in a visually tangible way. They saw how this program would save them money and she closed $15million in new business.
We were able to bring RPM to life through a 3 minute video and I was able to sell 15 million dollars worth of business off of that!
It helped me launch a new business line while reinforcing past lines of business.
The character story made it clear to doctors and executives. We got some
serious mileage out of this video.
When you have a big hairy problem, you need a drawing that can simplify
it down. It’s worth spending the money on Whiteboard Geeks.”
–Joy Fulton
Joy used the video everywhere; in emails, at in person meetings and on their website. It was shown in presentations and on project kick-offs, to quickly and simply educate people so everyone was on the same page. Joy knew that the video would work to get her idea through.